วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554


Hahaha who says Style-7 blog is about clothes only? NOOOOOOO!! Its about all kind of style!! UNLIMITED!!! Im gonna share you guys all kind of things that are in trend and really cool!!!
Hope you guys like my postss. Hahaha

Thank you for visiting Style-7 blogspot!!

Sexy Christmas!!

She can really make christmas special for everyone! Really very sexy girl! Hope you like the picture!

Merry X Mas!!

Im so sorry guys for being Missing In Action for so long. I have been kinda doing works for a bit and dont really have much time to update my blog and products. But now i finally come back! Gonna update you some Nice details!! So follow my blog and chat with us guys!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

X' Mas is coming!!!!

Jinger bell jinger bell jinger all the way! Christmas is coming real soon! I know that you guys have the loves one that are waiting for you at home! Have you thought of buying anything yet for them? They must really be very happy to recieve presents from you guys. I'm gonna buy a new shoes for my father and new bags for my mother! Really wanna see them smile :)
So anyway, I will be finding new products for Christmas festival! You guys can purchase them as a present for your special ones!
Thank you all for visiting Style-7.blogspot.com!
Really appreciate your precious time!

New products in accessories!

Hey guys! I have added belts in the accessories category in Style-7 Store! Check them out! Hope you like the new products! Happy shopping guys!

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

New Shoes available in Style-7 Store 2nd page!

I have added new products in Men/Women Shoes categories in Style-7 Store ! Check it out! I hope you guys really like the new products. The old ones too! Enjoy shopping with Style-7! Products that we choose are good quality and worth the price!
